Mission Statement
Our mission is to create an accessible collection of works that have their foundation in Scandinavian Studies, published annually, created by university students, and edited by undergraduate students at several universities. To increase diversity of the program, students studying a variety of Scandinavian cultures will be represented, both in the editorial staff and in content. Additionally, we are interested in gathering works of a varied nature, including, but not limited to, fiction, non-fiction, research essays, and poetry. In doing so, we hope to increase the exposure of student works related to the Scandinavian Studies discipline, support publication of undergraduate students, and connect undergraduates to their peers, mentors, campus resources, and the support networks available to them.
Vision Statement
Our vision of the Scandinavian Studies undergraduate journal is to connect undergraduate students to resources on campus, connect UW-Madison to other universities, and facilitate interdisciplinary camaraderie. Under the guidance of a faculty sponsor, we aim to create a sustainable body of works that explores Scandinavian Studies through a variety of literary forms. Those students involved in the journal gain experience in editing, writing, leadership, and publication, thereby creating more well-rounded individuals who can use the experiences gained here in their futures. The publication process will contribute to writers’ confidence and ability through peer review and interaction. By establishing a peer-to-peer network, the community among undergraduate students, especially in the Scandinavian Studies department, will be strengthened, leading to conversation and development in regards to Scandinavian Studies.