Get Involved

Applications for the current publishing cycle are closed. Applications for Issue IV of The Cross Section will be open Spring 2016.

Contributors’ responsibilities include, but are not limited to, submitting a piece for publication and working with peer reviewers, editors, and senior editors in preparation for publication. Pieces may belong to any genre or consist of any medium as long as the primary focus is on Scandinavia or an aspect of Scandinavia. Academic essays require at least seven secondary sources which cannot include class lectures. If lectures are originally cited, the professor must be consulted regarding where they got their information so the citation can be changed accordingly. Contributors will have five weeks to work with peer reviewers and an editor to ready their piece for publication. All submissions undergo the editing process, regardless of their genre or medium. No prior experience required, although recommended.

Peer reviewers’ responsibilities include, but are not limited to, reading and giving insightful feedback on submissions. Peer reviewers must write one to two paragraphs on what is good, what is bad, and what needs work, only making corrections regarding the quality of the paper as a whole, not editing the paper itself. They must decide whether the paper will be accepted, accepted with edits, or rejected. Peer reviewers will participate in one training session and afterwards have two weeks to work with several contributors’ pieces. Since peer reviewers’ and editors’ work schedules do not overlap, one can be on staff as both a peer reviewer and editor. No prior experience required, although recommended.

Editors’ responsibilities include, but are not limited to, editing submissions, particularly regarding grammar, spelling, and formatting. Editors must consider citations and references given in the submission and ensure that it meets Chicago standards. They must ensure that the submission is well-written and relevant to the journal. Editors will participate in one training session and afterwards have three weeks to work with a several contributors’ pieces. Since peer reviewers’ and editors’ work schedules do not overlap, one can be on staff as both a peer reviewer and editor. No prior experience required, although recommended.