Submission Guidelines

All works relating to the Nordic or Scandinavian region are welcome for submission to The Cross Section. You must be an undergraduate or within one year of graduation to be considered for publication. Though not required, it is highly recommended that papers are based upon works in the original language and not in translation. Quotations should be in the original language with corresponding translations in English formatted as footnotes. The main language of publication for The Cross Section is English though some exceptions can be made, for example with creative works such as poetry written in a Nordic language. An appropriate amount of peer reviewed secondary literature is required for research papers and essays.

If you have written your paper for a specific class, please consider revising your paper before submission to the Cross Section and provide adequate background for a more general audience. Peer reviewed literature is preferable over references to class lectures.

All submissions should be emailed to Submissions should be in the form of Word Documents with Times New Roman 12 point font. Please use Chicago Style citations and footnotes in your submissions. Please fill out and attach the Plagiarism Policy and Consent to Publish Form. An electronic signature is acceptable.

The entire editing process can be done digitally, so even those who do not attend UW-Madison can easily participate. Those who would like to submit should keep in mind that the journal is published towards the end of the spring semester and it takes a few months to peer review, edit, and design the pieces in the journal. Submissions will be distributed to peer reviewers and editors as they come in, so the sooner submissions are received, the better.